Catalyst dev blog - 20.07 release

In this post, I would like to share with you our development progress for the last month. Let’s check what features we have added to the framework in such a short time.

Catalyst 101 — Accelerated PyTorch

For real breakthroughs in deep learning, we need a strong foundation. In this blog post, I would like to introduce Catalyst framework, developed with focus on reproducibility, fast experimentation and code/idea reusing. We’ll also provide a tutorial on MNIST classification problem as an example.

ML workflow

Checklist and questions to make ML right.

Catalyst codestyle

Accelerated Python code formatter

Interview with Sergey Kolesnikov | Catalyst: PyTorch Framework for DL & RL | Open Source, Soft. Engg

In this episode, Sanyam Bhutani interviews a researcher, practitioner and open source contributor: Sergey Kolesnikov, creator of catalyst, which is a deep learning and reinforcement learning framework based on Pytorch.

Sample Efficient Ensemble Learning with Catalyst.RL

We present Catalyst.RL, an open-source PyTorch framework for reproducible and sample efficient reinforcement learning (RL) research. Main features of Catalyst.RL include large-scale asynchronous distributed training, efficient implementations of …

RL Intro

Brief introduction to Reinforcement Learning and Recommender Systems.

Reinforcement Learning - developer tools overview

The art of intelligence. Reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning на NeurIPS 2019: how it was

Every year the topic of reinforcement learning (RL) is getting hotter and more hype. And every year, DeepMind and OpenAI add fuel to the fire with a new superhuman performance bot. Is there something really worthwhile behind this? And what are the latest trends in the entire RL variety? Let's find out!